AccountsAccounts are entities  that you'd like to track in Natero in terms of health score, alerts, workflows, billing, etc and usually maps to the account, company or customer within your CRM. In Salesforce an account is usually mapped to the account object.  Multiple users usually belong to an account. There are some cases when an account in Natero is mapped to a single user; this is typically done for specific tracking purposes.
Last seenThe last date when any user of an account logged into the product.
Last interactionThe last date when an interaction was added to an account.
Join dateUsually mapped to the date when the customer signed up to your product.
Renewal dateThe closest upcoming renewal date for an account.
SourceThe lead source of an account.
UsersUsers are typically individual people that either use your product or are CRM contacts. Users belong to a Natero account. If a user belongs to multiple accounts, each user must be replicated for each Natero account it belongs to. Natero account. Product usage data is tracked on a per user basis and aggregated to the account level.
Last seenThe date when a user last logged into the product.
First seenThe date when a user first logged into the product.
User RoleUsed to determine organization role of the user or any other user label you prefer. 
EmailUser’s email.
TypeType of an alert, e.g. churn, renewal.
Date createdThe date when an alert was created.
Alert ageNumber of days an alert has been active.
StatusIndicates if an alert is open, pending, or closed.
Alert ref #The reference number of an alert.
Product usage dataUser level product event data tracked to indicate how a user is engaged with your product. This data is captured either via the Natero JS or Event API.
EventEvents can be anything that happens related to a user or account at a specific point of time. 
ModuleModules are logical parts of your product that indicate where your customers spend time in your product. Natero tracks the amount of time users spend in each of the modules you define. 
FeatureFeatures are the user interactions that occur in a module, which can include buttons clicked, actions taken etc..Natero tracks how many times a feature is used to assess your customers' engagement level. 
Session A session simply records the fact that the user interacted with the application in some way. Time is tracked on a per module and per session basis. Specific actions that the user took during the course of a session will be reported as different events to Natero.
Time per user per day usedAverage daily time spent in the module per user who used it.
Total timeTotal time spent in a module.
Count per user per day usedAverage daily usage count of the feature per user who used it.
Total countTotal usage count of a feature.
Total days usedTotal number of days when a module/feature was used.
Non-usersUsers who did not use a module/feature.
Last usedThe last date when a module/feature was used.
Account last seenThe last date when any user of an account logged into the product.
Daily active usersUnique users that had sessions over the last full day.
Monthly active usersUnique users that had sessions over the last 30 days.
Daily time per active userAverage time spent in the product per active user over the last full day.
Monthly time per active userAverage time spent in the product per active user over the last 30 days.
Daily active accountsUnique accounts that had activity over the last full day.
Monthly active accountsUnique accounts that had activity over the last 30 days.
Daily time per active accountAverage time spent in the product per active account over the last full day.
Monthly time per active accountAverage time spent in the product per active account over the last 30 days.
Product usersTotal number of registered users of an account.
User activityTotal session time of a user over the last 7 days.
User activity rankPercentile rank of a user's activity across all users.
Account activityTotal session time of an account over the last 7 days.
Account activity rankPercentile rank of an account's activity across all accounts.
Lifetime revenueTotal accumulated revenue of this account since its creation.
Recurring invoice revenueTotal booked revenue that is recurring from invoices.
Non-recurring invoice revenueTotal booked revenue that is one-time from invoices.
Invoice revenueSum of recurring and non-recurring invoice revenue.
Subscription MRRTotal MRR of active subscriptions.
CashflowTotal paid revenue from invoices.
Subscription IDSubscription unique ID.
EventSubscription event type, e.g. subscription start, subscription renewal, subscription change etc.
Event dateThe date when the subscription event happened.
Plan nameName of the subscription.
Billing cycleBilling cycle of the subscription.
Monthly revenueMonthly recurring revenue generated from a subscription.
Monthly ARPA (Avg. revenue per account)Total MRR divided by total active accounts at the end of the month.
Monthly CLV (Customer life value)ARPA divided by the account churn rate of the month.
Ticket ageAverage number of ticket open days. Open days for an "Open" ticket is calculated as the number of days since the ticket creation date. Open days for a “Closed” ticket is calculated as the number of days between the ticket creation and close dates.
Ticket priorityThe priority of the support ticket. e.g. high, low, medium.
Ticket typeThe type of the support ticket. e.g. problem, incident, task, question.
Natero user roleA role defines the product access permissions a Natero user (assigned with that role) can have using Natero.
Role permissionsRole permissions are individual access items you can turn on or off for a particular role.
CSM seatUsers assigned with a role that has the Customer Success Manager Seat permission turned on takes a CSM seat.
Analyst seatUsers assigned with a role that has any role permission turned on except for the Customer Success Manager Seat takes an analyst seat.