Natero's advanced customer analytics leverages the rich data integrated from a variety of your systems and lets you explore a comprehensive view of your customers to understand why some accounts thrive while others leave, what customers like about your product and what needs improvement, and how you can help customers get more value from your solution.

Accounts & Users Exploration

Accounts & Users Exploration is the place to start for better insights about your accounts and users. You can perform basic aggregation and segmentation analysis of your accounts and users.

Accounts Comparison

Accounts Comparison allows you to compare different segments of customers against each other based on any key metrics you care about. By understanding the factors that affect success within these segments, you are empowered to create customized action plans that can more effectively address your customers’ specific needs or issues.

Time Comparison

Time Comparison allows you to analyze customer behavior over two different time periods.

For example, you can analyze product usage before and after a major feature release to see if it had an impact on user engagement.