The Portfolio page is a CSM's launching point that presents an overview of three key areas of interest for a CSM:

  • Alerts Overview - The current and historical workload at any point;
  • Accounts - Highlighted accounts that you might want to pay attention to;
  • Portfolio Performance - The performance of all the accounts broken down by health and monthly MRR change for all the accounts.


Each section on the dashboard provides a quick snapshot of the most updated information along with access to the pages within the platform where you can view more details.

Alerts Overview

This section shows a list of new alerts from the last week. To view more details of an alert, click anywhere on the row of that alert to go to the relevant alert details page.


The "Alert trend" chart shows the total number of created & closed alerts at the end of each month over the last year as well as the trend of the daily average open alerts for each month.

This particular metric “Average Daily Open” (Average number of open alerts each day for that month) is intended to show how efficiently you have been catching up with your alerts on a daily basis. For example, a number of "2" of this metric means that you have on an average of 2 open alerts left for each day in that particular month. A higher number could indicate that there are more alerts than what you can handle each day or you might have been slow in dealing with the alerts.


Accounts Overview

This section highlights lists of accounts that you might want to pay attention to.

  • New Accounts: Shows a list of accounts that were assigned to you in the last 7 days.
  • Upcoming Renewals: Shows a list of accounts that have upcoming renewals in the next month.
  • At Risk: Shows a list of accounts that have open churn alerts.
  • Active Lifecycle Workflows: Shows a list of accounts with workflows that are active. 


To view more details of each account, click anywhere on the row of that account to go to the relevant account details page.

*Determined by checking the max health score over the last 7 days and the current health score and seeing if the change is ever bigger than 25.

**Determined by checking the activity rank each day over the last 7 days and the current activity rank, and seeing if the change is ever bigger than 25.

Portfolio Performance

This section shows the number of accounts and total MRR in different health groups. An account with a health score over 70 is considered in good health, an account with a health score below 30 is considered in poor health and any other accounts are considered in neutral health.


The “Changes in MRR” chart shows the monthly MRR change of all your accounts by the below categories over the last year:

  • New MRR for each month (positive value)
  • Expansion MRR for each month (positive value)
  • Churn MRR for each month (negative value)
  • Contraction MRR for each month (negative value)
  • Net MRR for each month (sum of the above 4 values)


Hovering over each legend will highlight the value associated with that MRR category on the chart. Clicking on a legend will hide the value of that MRR category on the chart. For example, if you would like to view only the churned MRR for each month, click off the other legends and leave only the “Churn” value to be shown for the chart.