Tasks help you track customer action items and to-dos in a structured and organized way, so that you can easily review task status and details, and successfully close a task within the expected timeframe. 

You can manually add a task via the global "Add" action on the navigation bar, or via the local "Add" action within each individual account's details page. 


When adding a task, you can specify the following task details:

  • Account name: the name of the account the task is for

  • Task name: name of the task

  • Details: description of the task

  • Priority: the priority of the task

  • Due date: the due date of the task

  • Owner: the assigned team member to the task

  • Sub-tasks: checkbox items or additional tasks associated with the task

  • Related documents: documents linked to this task

You will be able to track, manage and update tasks at each account's details - Tasks page or at the main Tasks page. 


Learn more about Task Basics.
Learn more about Alert Tasks.
Learn more about Workflow Tasks.
Learn how to setup Task Notifications.