The Team Performance (available for Growth & Enterprise) page helps you track important performance goals of your Customer Success team; view trends of key success metrics on both the team and individual CSM level; monitor team workload to understand the areas that consume the most effort and time; as well as identify which CSMs need help and where.

Note that the metrics reported on this page is limited to the number of accounts you are able to view in Natero. If you have the "View all accounts" permission, the team metrics are reported across all your accounts in Natero. But if you only have access to the accounts assigned to you, the team performance metrics will be filtered based on your assigned accounts. 

It includes the following key reporting areas:

  • Overview

  • Alerts

  • Health Trend

  • Interaction Trend

  • Accounts

  • Tasks

  • Workflows



The overview page gives you a quick overview of accounts and MRR owned by each individual CSM. 

The four main metrics reported on the top are defined as follows:

  • Accounts churned: No. of accounts that have a churn date in the current month.

  • MRR lost: The amount of lost MRR associated with the accounts for the current month.

  • Accounts renewed: No. of accounts that have renewed (based on subscription data) in the current month.

  • MRR renewed: The amount of renewed MRR associated with those renewed accounts for the current month. 


Alerts reporting shows you how your team has been performing in terms of managing the alerts over time. 

Health Trend

Health trend reporting shows the accounts and MRR health breakdown by each individual CSM over a selected time frame. 

Interaction Trend

Interaction trend reporting shows the account interaction trends by individual CSM. This tab reports on the number and type of interactions recorded across the set of accounts owned by a specific CSM over time.


Accounts reporting allows you to view accounts that have churned or renewed by each individual CSM over a selected time period.  


Task reporting allows you to quickly see how many tasks that are outstanding, overdue or closed etc. for each individual CSM over a selected time period. You can also view a list of tasks filtered by any CSM, status, task type and time period in a more condensed table view.


Workflow reporting includes trends around how you and your team has been doing with workflows in terms of hitting the target (days overdue or ahead of the target date), the average time it takes to complete a workflow and how many workflows are started and completed in each period.

You can also drill down to each individual milestone as well as each individual CSM to gain more insight on where you can further improve your process and how you can better allocate the resources.