The Natero CSM solution is only as good as the data that flows in, the more data you can send to the platform, the more useful and accurate the result you’ll get. It is important to set up Natero properly so that it will be pulling the right data to drive powerful insights to your business’ success. In order for us to bring the most value to your CSM efforts, we recommend you provide the below sources of data: 

  1. Product Usage Data

  2. User/Account Data

  3. Billing/Financial Data

  4. Support Data

  5. Communications Data

1. Product Usage Data

This data helps Natero understand how customers engage with your product, quantify the product’s stickiness and value to an account based on the depth and breadth of usage, and track whether product use is beyond contracted terms. We will use this data to perform cohort analysis and produce fine-grain product usage metrics on a per user, per account basis, enabling both CSMs and product managers to understand the value, up-take, ease-of-use and stickiness of individual modules and features.


For example, an HR application could record the following account meta data and user interactions:

  1. Number of active users of an account

  2. Total seats used vs. seats purchased

  3. Login of a user

  4. Add a user

  5. Create candidate list

  6. Send interview reminder

  7. Invite interviewer

  8. Provide candidate feedback

  9. View dashboard

2. User/Account Data

This data includes marketing and sales activities leading to a sale; product buyer; organizational hierarchy and onboarding activities. This data usually comes from your CRM software such as Salesforce. 

It helps Natero track your customers and trials along with their contact info, lifecycle stage, and lead source. It also helps Natero understand the organizational relationships within a company to better engage with stakeholders, as well as the history and results of customer interactions.


This data will go to the Account Details page where CSMs gather a deeper understanding of the account history, including both product usage and human interactions. CSMs would want access to Account/User information while responding to alerts, but would also want it for proactive outreach, looking for advocates, preparing for meetings with them, etc.

Your CRM software should contain areas such as Accounts and Contacts. Accounts generally define a company. Contacts generally define a human/user at an account.

For example, common user/account data include:

  1. Account name

  2. Account ID

  3. Title

  4. Email

  5. Sales rep

  6. CSM

  7. Stage

  8. Customer since

  9. Renewal date

  10. Source

  11. Primary customer contact

3. Billing/Financial Data 

This data includes purchased products; contract length; renewal schedule; sale price; discount levels; invoices and payments. This data usually comes from your Billing software such as Recurly, Chargify etc.

It helps Natero collect information about your detailed product plan, such as plan tiers, pricing and renewal data etc. This information also allows Natero to understand the breadth and depth of a customer’s deployment and contract terms and calculate core financial metrics on a per user and per account basis.


Your billing systems should include areas such as Accounts, Subscriptions and Plans/Products.  Accounts define customers. Subscriptions define how much a customer is actually paying (note: Accounts can have multiple subscriptions). Plans/Products define a general payment scheme for a subscription.

For example, common billing data include:

  1. Subscription ID

  2. Plan ID

  3. Invoice ID

  4. Pricing

  5. Renewal date

  6. Trial expire date

  7. Set up fees

4. Support Data

This Data includes type, number, severity, and resolution of support tickets. Usually comes from your customer support application such as Zendesk, etc.

It helps Natero collect support related information such as ticketing volume, tickets type, close rates and response time etc. The support information comes as part of the overall health of an account and gives CS reps an understanding of their success with these accounts to ensure that there are no critical barriers or poor customer experiences preventing customers from achieving value from their purchase.


Your help desk software should contain areas such as Tickets/Cases, Users, Customers, and Activities. Tickets define the type, priority, and status of a ticket. Users define the person who handles the tickets. Customers define the accounts that tickets are created for and Activities defines the actions taken on a ticket.

For example, common support data include:

  1. User ID

  2. Customer ID

  3. Ticket ID

  4. Ticket status

  5. Created at

  6. Updated at

  7. Resolved at

5. Interaction/Communications Data

Interactions may include contents of emails, phone calls or other customer conversations. This data includes type, customer_id, create_time, contact email, rep email and details of interaction. Usually comes from your customer communications application such as Intercom, Go To Meeting etc.

It helps Natero collect interaction related information such as email communications, phone conversations, meeting details, response time etc. Often infrequent communications with a customer is a sign of risk. The interaction frequency comes as part of the overall health of an account and gives CS reps some leave way to identify unresponsive customers. CS reps can also track some important discussions that may have occurred during a meeting or a phone call using communications data.


Your interactions software should contain areas such as Communications, Activities and Customers. Interactions define the type, subject, communication details, rep involved in the communication and contacts. Reps define the person who handles the tickets and the contact is the customer who you are in communication with. The subject is what appears on the subject line of the communication e.g if you are on an email conversation, the email subject would be the subject and the content would be added to the details. If you are on phone call. You can add the Phone Call as the subject line and a gist of the conversation in conversation message details.

For example, common interaction data include:

  1. User ID

  2. Customer ID

  3. state

  4. asignee

  5. created_at

  6. conversation message