FreshThemes are ready-to-use support themes that you can use to completely style your support portal. In most cases, you will also be able to edit the FreshTheme you choose and customize it even further. If you are in the Garden Plan, you might be able to use the stylesheet elements in a theme to modify the look and feel of your portal, but to get complete power and flexibility over the layout and interactions, you have to be on the Freshdesk Estate Plan.
You can browse and download a Freshtheme directly from the Freshtheme's Gallery here.
A FreshTheme would typically be a zip file containing 17 text files. Download the FreshTheme zip file you want, and unzip its contents. A complete theme should have the following text files:
1. Stylesheet.txt
2. Header.txt
3. Footer.txt
4. Pagelayout.txt
5. Portalhome.txt
6. NewUser.txt
7. Login.txt
8. SearchResults
9. SolutionHome.txt
10. ArticleList.txt
11. ArticleView.txt
12. SolutionsCategoryHome.txt
13. TopicList.txt
14. TopicView.txt
15. Discussionshome.txt
16. NewTopic.txt
17. New Ticket.txt
Note: Some FreshThemes may not include customizations for all the pages, and may have fewer text files in the zip
To start using the theme, go to Admin > Portals and click on Customize Portal.
- Click on the Stylesheet tab and Copy the contents in Stylesheet.txt onto the text area.
- Click on the Layout and Pages tab, and select Portal Layout. Copy the contents in Header.txt, Footer.txt, and PageLayout.txt onto the corresponding text area under Header, Footer and Page Layout respectively.
- Next, select Portal Pages and copy the contents of the portal page text files onto the corresponding text area (for example, paste the contents in PortalHome.txt in the text area corresponding to "Portal Home").
Quick guide for setting up a ready-made FreshTheme:
- Browse for the FreshTheme you want from the Freshdesk Forums.
- Download the FreshTheme ZIP file and extract it's contents.
- Important: Some themes may have special instructions (like uploading images or JavaScript for the theme to work). Open the README file and look out for specific instructions.
- From your Freshdesk Portal, Go to Admin > Portals > Customize Portal.
- Copy paste the code from the text files into the corresponding text area in Freshdesk.
a. Copy the CSS text file into the Stylesheet tab.
b. Copy the Header, Footer and Page Layout text files under Portal Layout tabs.

c. Copy the specific page code into the Portal Pages tab.

- In case there are any images used in the theme, upload them to your own server. Use the README file to replace existing links with new ones if necessary.
- Save changes to your theme without publishing them.
- Preview your changes and see if everything's working fine. Open up every type of page in your customer portal (there are 12 in total) and confirm that they are working.
- Once you are sure everything looks right, go ahead and Publish your changes.
Some FreshThemes comes with detailed instructions on how to use them, and the necessary resources to take it live. They also have a screenshot, so you can get a preview of what their theme might look like before they apply it on their customer portals. However, it is possible that some of them aren't very simple to setup. In case you are stuck somewhere, please get help from someone from your design team or contact the original creator of the FreshTheme.