In this article

Create a New List

You can create a new customer list either through the "List Explorer" page or the "Manage Lists" section in the "Manage Lists & Charts" page under "Explorer". On the "Manage Lists" page, click "New".


You will be directed to the "List Explorer" page where you can edit the details of the list:


1. Name the list.

2. Select if the list is for accounts or users.

3. Add a description for the list.

4. If the list type is "Accounts", select the account attributes you'd like to view along with the returned accounts. Note that at the moment, custom columns are not supported for "Users" type lists.  

5. Construct list filter rules.

Filter Accounts

The "Attributes" section is where you define how your accounts should be filtered based on certain attributes. For example, you can filter accounts by a certain country, industry, tier or stage. You'll also be able to filter the accounts by the custom dimensions you add to Natero. 

Specify Behavior and Time Frame

The "Metrics over time and event occurrences" section is where you specify the behavior or changes in behavior you'd like to see in this list of accounts. There are four ways to do so:

1). Compare a metric to a value
     e.g. Usage of module "Dashboard" is less than 5 mins a day.
2). Compare a metric to another metric
     e.g. Usage of module "Dashboard" is at least 30% less than usage of module "Reporting".
3). Compare a metric to itself over time
     e.g. Usage of module "Dashboard" in last week is at least 10 mins more than usage of the same module a week prior. 
4). Check for an event
     e.g. Account joined in the last 7 days. 

You'll then select both the start date and the end date of the time period over which the metric will be calculated. 

1). Begins after an event or day
     e.g. 7 days after the "Account join date" or 3 days after "Account last seen" date
2). Begins before an event or day
     e.g. 7 days before "Current day" or 30 days before the "Account renewal date"
3). Begins on an event or day
     e.g. "Current week"
4). Begins on specific date
     e.g. Dec. 1. 2015

6. View Matching Accounts/Users 

Click "Run" to return a list of accounts/users that currently match the conditions specified (at the time of the button click).

7. Save the List

If everything looks good, click "Save". Once the list is saved, it can be reloaded through the "Load" button or accessed on the "Manage Lists" page. 

Copy and Delete a List

If you'd like to construct another list based on an existing list, click "Copy" for that list and the conditions of the existing list will be copied over in the new list being created.  

To permanently delete a list, check the select box for that list and click "Delete" in the Bulk action area. You can also select multiple lists for bulk deleting.

View and Edit a List

To modify an existing user/account list, click "View/Edit". In the list editing page, you'll be able to view the currently matching accounts/users to that list and modify the list conditions.  

Please note that Natero will only run the search of the matching accounts/users to a list at the time of the "View/Edit" action.

The accounts/users shown in the table do not reflect live matching to the list conditions, if you'd like to view the latest matching accounts/users to that list, you'll need to click "Run" for the list again.

To quickly search for an account or user in that list, use the text search box on the top right. 

Export a List

You can export the list results into a CSV file by clicking the "Export CSV" button.


When you export an account list, two hidden fields will be added to the CSV file: Account ID (internal Natero id) and Account External ID (your CRM account id). 

When you export a user list, four hidden fields will be added to the CSV file: Account ID (Natero id) and Account External ID (your CRM account id), use_id (CRM/Product user id) and account_user_id (internal Natero user id).

When a date field is exported, two formats will be displayed in separate columns:

  • iso8601 standardized timestamp (displayed as 2012-05-02T18:56:09Z)
  • raw epoch milliseconds (displayed as 1335984969740)

You can use the below formula to convert the epoch milliseconds into a formatted date in Excel or Google sheet, make sure you format the cell as Date/Time. 

  • In excel: = (CellValue/86400000) + DATE(1970,1,1)
  • In google: = (CellValue/86400000)+25569


View example lists and use cases you can create using Natero's List Explorer.