
OAuth is a protocol that allows Natero to access resources of your Zoom website without having to expose your user credentials. Instead of supplying a username and password, OAuth allows you to authorize the Natero application to access your Zoom data via the Zoom API.


1. Make sure that the user that completes the natero auth should have admin access rights.

2. Your Zoom account must have the API access. 

3. You need to have a Natero account to complete the OAuth setup (contact us if you do not have one yet).

4. Your Natero account needs to have the "Configure data connectors" permission to perform this action. 

Step-by-step Guide

1. Go to "IT Administration" under "Settings". 

2. Go to "Manage oAuth".

3. Select "Zoom" from the dropdown and click "Authorize provider". This should redirect you to the regular Zoom login page.


4. Log in using your Zoom user credentials and click "Allow" when prompted.

5. Once all the steps are done please let us know and we will complete your Zoom configuration ASAP.