
OAuth is a protocol that allows Natero to access resources of JIRA without having to expose your user credentials. Instead of supplying a username and password, OAuth allows you to authorize the Natero application to access your JIRA data via the API.

JIRA integration is available to help you make informed decisions by tracking feature requests, tickets, bugs and time to close ticket.


1. You need to have a Natero account to complete the OAuth setup (contact us if you do not have one yet).

2. Your Natero account needs to have the "Configure data connectors" permission to perform this action. 

3. You need to have admin access to JIRA.

Steps to List Natero as an Application

Request Natero for Jira integration and provide the URL link to your Jira instance (e.g.,

Setup application link in your Jira instance to list Natero as an application that can access your JIRA data. (View video for reference) 

Here are the written steps to do the same as directed in the video.

1) Log into your Jira Instance.

2) Click on "Settings" (bottom left corner), Select Products.


3) Expand the Panel on the Left (using the 'Hamburger' button), click on "Application links".

4) You are now on the Configure Application Links Page. Type and click on "Create new link". 

5) This will open a new pop-up called "Configure Application URL" suggesting "" as the new url. Click on "Use this URL" and edit the URL in the box to use "". Click on "Continue".

6) Make sure to fill out the "Application Name" (this could be anything) in the "Link Applications" form and check the "Create incoming link" checkbox. Click on "Continue".

7) Fill in the "consumer Key" with 'jira_natero_integration', Consumer name could be anything of your Choice (E.g Natero) and paste the "public key" into the box.

Public Key: MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDwM0zpRao+zDNk5h6GEF18zX1H6PKq0EhpV1yuzki96feUHQKfLdJqj62gdioBq3q1i7DnNsX1nkniEkgqABqwqw4xW0ce3y4v/tVmVkFRQz0QLWxpyLQrrJLLaDFmXG/vF8OA8emvQLuTS06e5vV97W7s2qmYJr8O6IkEqPIeAwIDAQAB

Note: It is important to check 'Create Incoming Link', fill in Consumer Key with:'jira_natero_integration', paste the public key

8) Provide the URL link to your Jira instance (e.g., if you haven't already done so

9) Notify Natero once this is complete and please provide your instance URL link alongside.

This authorizes Natero to set up your OAuth. We will then add your Jira Instance as a provider on our end and let you know when it is done via email.

Steps to Authorize Freshsuccess 

Follow the steps below to authorize us to access your JIRA data once you receive the email from us.

    1. Go to "IT Administration" under "Settings". 
    2. Go to "Source Credentials".
    3. Click on 'Add Source' and select type "JIRA" and Type a 'Name' and click "Authorize". This should redirect you to the regular JIRA login page.
    4. Log in using your JIRA user credentials and click "Allow" when prompted.
    5. Once all the steps are done please let us know and we will complete your JIRA integration ASAP.