The Dynamics CRM app for Freshdesk lets you access contact details, lead data and other information right from your ticket view page.

NOTE: You can integrate your helpdesk only with the online version of Dynamics CRM. This app does not support on-premise versions of Dynamics CRM. 

Here is how you can integrate Dynamics CRM app with Freshdesk

1. Obtain a Client Id and Client Secret for a Microsoft Azure Active Directory

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. On the top bar, click on your account and under the Directory list, choose the Azure Active Directory to register your application.


  1. Click on App registrations.


  1. Click on New Registration



  1. Once in, enter the name of the application and select the account type as 'Accounts in the organizational directory only (Techaffinity only - Single tenant)'
  2. Freshdesk uses the OAuth 2 protocol to authorize the dynamics CRM to access resources. Provide the redirect URL ( for your application to perform the handshake and then click the Register button.

  1. After registering the application, the Application Id will be generated for your application by Microsoft Azure. This application Id is also known as the Client Id


  1. To generate the Client Secret, click on Certificates & secrets. On the right pane that appears, click on the New Client secret button and it opens up with the modal view to provide a description for the client secret and expiry period for the client secret. To achieve a never ending expiry period for the client secret, choose the Never option.

  1. Once the Client Secret is generated, copy the new client secret value and save it somewhere. You won't be able to retrieve it after you perform another operation or leave this blade

  1. To provide the API permission for the application, click on API permissions and then click on the Add a permission button. A list of all Microsoft APIs will now be displayedEvery API permission will have two sections, 1.     1. Delegated Permissions
    2Application Permissions


Both these permissions are required for the integration.

              Microsoft Graph - Permission Name as User.Read

              Dynamics CRM - Permission Name as User Impersonation


The API Permission reference screenshot is shown below


Select the permissions shown in the above screenshot and then click on Grant admin consent button

App Settings:

Freshdesk OAuth Authentication:


Dynamics Domain URL



Entity Field Selection (To list the fields in the Ticket and contact sidebar)



Here's how the app will look:


Ticket Sidebar - 



Contact Sidebar -