Account Management
- Where can I assign accounts to a CSM?
- How does the account assignment affect reporting on metrics such as MRR, Churn rate on a global and per CSM basis?
- Where can I add account interactions?
- Where can I view and search all historical interactions with an account?
- Where can I add notes to an account?
- Where can I add account support tickets?
- Where can I capture account latest status?
- Where can I add a CSM subjective score to an account?
- Where can I mark an account as "churned"?
- Where can I track and add lifecycle stages to an account?
- Where can I set up customer tiers?
How do I keep track of key account processes in Natero?- What's the difference between deleted and churned accounts?
- Do you support account hierarchy and how that looks like?
- How can I create an account report to monitor e.g. at-risk/renewal accounts?
- How do I add metrics to account custom views?
- What is "Activity Rank"?
- Where can I view activity rank for individual users of an account?
- Where can I bulk editing account information in Natero?
- How can I upload account information using a CSV file?
Custom Dimensions & Metrics
- What are custom dimensions and metrics?
- How do I add custom account dimensions and metrics in Natero?
Tasks & Notifications
- Where do I see and manage my account tasks?
- Where can I view reporting on tasks completion?
- How can I turn on task email notifications?
- How can I receive notifications on alert tasks?
- How can I convert alerts to tasks?
Alerts & Alert Tasks
- How can I create proactive alerts?
- How to use metrics, dimensions, and dates in alerts?
- How do alerts work in Natero?
- How do I manage alert tasks?
- What is "Retrigger Delay" for an alert?
- I have created alert rules but why can't I see alerts for my accounts?
- How do I bulk delete alerts that are associated with an alert rule?
- What is the difference between Dismiss, closer and delete alerts/alert tasks related actions
Alert Playbooks
- What is an alert playbook?
- How do I create a playbook?
- What's the difference between workflows and playbooks?
Health Score
- How do I configure account health score?
- How is the health score calculated?
- What is health score mapping and how does it work?
- What are the metrics I can use to build the health score and how they are calculated?
- How can I view health score breakdown for each account?
Account Workflows
- What is an account workflow?
- How do I manage workflows for an account?
- What's the difference between workflows and playbooks?
- Where can I view reporting on workflow performances?
Reporting & Dashboards
- How can I create a custom/executive dashboard?
- What are some of the standard dashboards available to me?
Where do I see reporting on my Customer Success team's performance?
List Explorer & Customer Segmentation
- What is a customer list?
- How do I create a customer list to focus on a particular segmentation?
- Where can I view some example customer lists?
Chart Explorer & Customer Analytics
- What are metrics and dimensions?
How is the metric aggregation calculated?- How do I get started creating a new chart to analyze customer data?
- What kind of customer analytics can I do with Natero?
- What kind of chart types can I use to display data in Chart Explorer?
- How can I create a computed metric based on the existing metrics?
- How can I customize the color and label of my chart?
- How do I enable the email feature in Natero?
- How do I create an email campaign?
How do I set up an email trigger for automated customer communication?- How do I unsubscribe a user from my mailing list?
- How does email re-trigger delay work?
- What do I need to know about email tracking, stats reporting and deliverability in Natero?
Users & Role Permission
- How do I add new users to Natero?
- How do I reset the password for users?
- How do I change role permissions for users?
- How do I change my Natero login password?
- How do I enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for my Natero account?
Data Integration
- What types of data should I provide for Natero?
- How do I get started with data integration?
- What third-party software do Natero currently support for data integration?
- How does Natero define "Event", "Feature", "Module" and "Session"?
- How do I synchronize accounts across various systems?
- How to model subscription discounts or coupons?
- How to represent subscription add-ons?
How to associate users with multiple accounts?- How do I map subscription and invoice data to Natero?
- Does Natero support local currencies?